
Matt Dobbins

Wandering & Writing & Wondering & Creating

7 more states to go!

Now only seven more states left on my list! I recently had the pleasure of exploring the captivating wonders of South Dakota, and let me tell you, this state did not disappoint! The sheer beauty that unfolded before my eyes was nothing short of breathtaking. When I caught wind of the forecast predicting temperatures in the high 50s, I couldn’t resist the urge to embark on a quick journey to this enchanting destination. To my delight, the weather exceeded expectations as the thermometer soared to a remarkable 62°F in the Custer, SD area. Such warmth in the midst of February is truly astounding.

I couldn’t resist capturing the essence of South Dakota through my lens, and I’m thrilled to share some of the stunning photographs I managed to snap along the way. These visual treasures convey just a fraction of the awe-inspiring landscapes that await those fortunate enough to explore this remarkable state. But fear not, dear reader, for I have much more to share about my South Dakota adventure in the days to come. Stay tuned for captivating tales and immersive descriptions that will transport you to the heart of this remarkable state. For now, enjoy these snapshots and let them ignite your wanderlust for the wonders that lie in wait in South Dakota.

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One response to “7 more states to go!”

  1.  Avatar

    South Dakota doesn't disappoint… but have you been north yet? From Rushmore, you are close to Theodore Roosevelt National Park and Medora, North Dakota. As a longtime resident and native North Dakotan, I can attest to the state's beauty.No, I don't work for the department of tourism. >grin<

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